SwissVolley devra donc prendre ces prochains jours des décisions, en particulier en ce qui concerne le point d) (ii) ci-dessous.
Communiqué de presse de la FIVB:
---> communiqué original
FIVB Board of Administration finds consensus on International Transfer Certificates and worldwide regulation of Volleyball Club activities
Lausanne, May 12, 2008 – The FIVB Board of Administration held an extraordinary meeting in Lausanne on Monday at which a historical decision was reached regarding International Transfer Certificates (ITCs) that is set to regulate Volleyball Clubs’ activities throughout the world.
“We raised the problem last November,” said FIVB President Dr. Rubén Acosta, “and the Board of Administration in March started to discuss the problem of local players who don’t have the possibility to play in their countries’ championship. Today the Board agreed on a historical decision for the Volleyball Family.
“Each Club will be free to have as many players coming from other National Federations as they want, under the conditions determined in an International Transfer Certificate. Three years are given to having only two players coming from another National Federation on court at the same time and each National Federation will be able to authorize one more ITC player on court. This new regulation is the final decision after broad discussions with several National Federations and during the FIVB Board of Administration meetings,” said Dr. Acosta.
There will be no limitation to engage players from any countries but the ITCs will be approved according to the following principles reported in the new FIVB Sports Regulations article number
a) National Federations are competent to determine, in accordance with FIVB regulations, the composition of all affiliated teams playing in its recognized National Leagues.
b) National Leagues are by definition composed of teams with players which Federation of origin is the same than that of the team and they operate in accordance with the decisions made by their National Federation in exercising its right of freedom of association.
c) National Federations may incorporate into their affiliated Clubs system an unlimited number of players that have another Federation of Origin on condition that they possess an ITC approved by both Federations and duly authorized by the FIVB.
d) In order to avoid the monopoly of top world players by one or several financially strong teams, NFs should promote fair play and fair competition among clubs granting equal opportunities to all teams and players as follows:
(i) The number of players possessing an ITC who may play on court for a team at the same time should not exceed the number of players which Federation of origin is the same Federation than the team, preferably two ITC players on court. Notwithstanding, an NF may authorize one more ITC player on court.
(ii) The NFs may authorize that for 2008/09 season the on court composition of teams may continue under the actual rules; for 2009/2010 NFs may still partially implement the rule on ITC players but for the 2010/2011 season these regulations must be fully implemented.
e) Individual contractual terms between Clubs and players are not mandatory to the FIVB nor the NF and remain under applicable labour laws but actual Volleyball teams and players registered by the Club in its National Volleyball Federation play under and are subject to the NF and FIVB sport regulations.
f) National Leagues will be allowed to have a playing season of 7 months between October 15 and May 15 of the following year under the condition that they are obliged to release National Team players as per the condition agreed with the Federations of Origin and established in the ITC.